
06 Location of Spanish Youth, June 1944

上市 Deposited

Data from this archival document show how widely dispersed Spanish youth were by 1944. Starting in 1941, they were evacuated and sent to work in factories in southern and central USSR. When compared the following graph, we can see that approximately eighteen months later the Spanish youth had been re-concentrated in and around Moscow much like the Spanish children.

MLA citation style (9th ed.)

Qualls, Karl D. 06 Location of Spanish Youth, June 1944. . 2020.

APA citation style (7th ed.)

Q. K. D. (2020). 06 Location of Spanish Youth, June 1944.

Chicago citation style (CMOS 17, author-date)

Qualls, Karl D. 06 Location of Spanish Youth, June 1944. 2020.

Note: These citations are programmatically generated and may be incomplete.

